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Gruyere de L'Empyree



Grefierduroi Quelle Quine



Delf des Hautes Clauzes

Gruyere came to us from Jolanda Huisman's kennel in Holland, although she was bred in France. She brings new bloodlines to the UK on her father's side. Delf des Hautes Clauzes was bred in the same kennel as Faust des Hautes Clauzes, father to Nireau du Barbillot des Maladieres, such an influential dog in the UK. Her mother, Coquine, won her class in strong competition at the French National in 2013. Looking at the picture above, it is easy to see why.

   Gruyere has the most delightful temperament. She is extremely playful, friendly and outgoing, spending more time on two legs than four as a rule. Her sunny nature makes her a favourite play-mate within our pack and it is not unusual to see her play the hare to everyone else's hound as she can out-run the lot! 

  Gruyere had a  litter in 2014 to Help des Hautes Clauzes. She is now very happily retired.

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